Hosted by Castle Fitzjohns Gallery 98 Orchard Street NY, NY 10002
May 28, 2015 6-9 PM
Steadfast Magazine is pleased to present a group exhibition to launch the inaugural Identity Issue. The featured works reflect the ongoing theme of seamless association of different artistic mediums throughout the publication. As the noun suggests, the exhibition and issue mirror the absence of a clear-cut boundary between one category and another; painters blend into video artists, photographers collide with sculptors, illustrations fuse with new media, writers mingle with designers and celebrated artists are placed shoulder to shoulder with the emerging. Just as collage revolutionized modern art in the early 20th century, Steadfast seeks to revolutionize the way art is perceived in a printed format. There is no hierarchy, just pure creation. Showcasing primarily paintings, photography, and mixed media, the exhibition features 14 artists carefully selected from The Identity Issue whom evoke and address a balanced connection between subject matter and artistic identity. Featured in the show are: Allan Gorman, Brian Batt, Brittany Carmichael, Charles Traub, Christina Arza, Claudia Martucci, Jesse Chun, Matthew Herrmann, Michelle Leftheris, Mr. B, Quinn Tivey, Rehan Miskci, Sinan Tuncay, and Yoav Friedländer. Steadfast Magazine is dedicated in valuing and supporting the contemporary artist in modern society. Gradience is a celebration, to honor over 70 creatives who were gathered from around the world for our debut. The team is thrilled to have collaborated with Ashley Catharine Smith as head curator.